This set of FREE lessons includes audio to accompany each word and phrase.
These FREE lessons are excerpted from our Jordanian Arabic language course which contains an additional 51 lessons covering Society and Medical terms and phrases. The course also includes a bilingual dictionary.
Greetings and Introductions - تحيات ومقدمات -
Helpful Words and Phrases - كلمات وعبارات مفيدة -
Questions - أسئلة -
Numbers - أعداد -
Days of the Week - أيام الأسبوع -
Directions - الاتجاهات -
Locations - المواقع -
Emergency Terms - شروط الطوارئ -
Food and Sanitation - الغذاء والصرف الصحي -
Fuel and Maintenance - الوقود والصيانة -
Lodging - إقامة -
Occupations - المهن -
Customs - جمارك -
Relatives - الأقارب -
Weather - طقس -