Eilts, Carina and Birte Loenneker The Hamburg Metaphor Database In Metaphorik.de, March 2002, [pg. 100-110] http://www.metaphorik.de/03/eiltsloenneker.htm
Keywords: EuroWordNet

El-Kahlout, Durgar Ilknur and Kemal Oflazer. ``Use of Wordnet for Retrieving Words from Their Meanings" In: Proceedings of the Second Global WordNet Conference , pp. 118-123, Brno, Czech Republic, January 20-23, 2004. http://www.fi.muni.cz/gwc2004/proc/96.pdf

Esuli, Andrea and Fabrizio Sebastiani ``SentiWordNet: A Publicly Available Lexical Resource for Opinion Mining" In: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'06) , pp. 417-422, Genova, IT. http://www.isti.cnr.it/People/F.Sebastiani/Publications/LREC06.pdf
Keywords: Sentiment analysis, opinion mining, synset classification, semi-supervised learning

Esuli, Andrea and Fabrizio Sebastiani ``PageRanking WordNet synsets: An application to Opinion Mining" In: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'07) , pp. 424--431, Prague, CZ. http://www.isti.cnr.it/People/F.Sebastiani/Publications/ACL07.pdf
Keywords: Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Random-Walk Models

Esuli, Andrea and Fabrizio Sebastiani ``Random-Walk Models of Term Semantics: An Application to Opinion-Related Properties" In: Proceedings of the 3rd Language & Technology Conference (LTC'07) , pp. , Poznan, PL. http://www.isti.cnr.it/People/F.Sebastiani/Publications/LTC07a.pdf
Keywords: Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Random-Walk Models, WordNet
Comments: This is a follow-up of the ACL'07 paper by the same authors.

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