Magnini, Bernardo and Matteo Negri and Roberto Prevete and Hristo Tanev ``A Wordnet-based Approach to Named-Entites Recognition'' In: Proceedings of the Coling 2002 Workshop ''SemaNet'02: Building and Using Semantic Networks'', Taipei, August 2002. http://www.cs.ust.hk/~hltc/semanet02/pdf/magnini.pdf
Keywords: Using Ontologies for Entity Extraction and Semantic Tagging

Magnini, Bernardo and Carlo Strapparava. ``Using WordNet to improve user modelling in a web document recommender system.'' In: Proceedings of the NAACL 2001 Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources, Pittsburgh, June 2001. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/mwnw/papers/WNW-NAACL-217.pdf.gz
Keywords: information retrieval

Magnini, Bernardo and Carlo Strapparava. ``Costruzione di una basa di conoscenza lessicale per l'italiano basata su WordNet.'' In: Proceedings of the 27th Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Societá di Linguistica Italiana Linguaggio e Cognizionea, Palermo, October 1994. http://ecate.itc.it:1024/projects/wordnet/doc/wordnet-sli.doc

Magnini, Bernardo, Carlo Strapparava, Fabio Ciravegna and Emanuele Pianta. ``Multilingual lexical knowledge bases: applied WordNet prospects.'' In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Future of the Dictionary, Grenoble, October 1994. http://ecate.itc.it:1024/projects/wordnet/doc/wordnet-grenoble.doc

Magnini, Bernardo, Carlo Strapparava, Fabio Ciravegna and Emanuele Pianta. A Project for the Construction of an Italian Lexical Knowledge Base in the Framework of WordNet. Technical Report #9406-15, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Trento, June 1994. http://ecate.itc.it:1024/projects/wordnet/doc/wordnet-project.doc

Magnini, Bernardo and Manuela Speranza. ``Integrating Generic and Specialized Wordnets''. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2001, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 5-7 September 2001. http://tcc.itc.it/people/speranza/publications.html
Keywords: semantic relations

Maki, W. S., McKinley, L. N. and Thompson, A. G ``Semantic distance norms computed from an electronic dictionary (WordNet)" In: Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers , pp. 421-431, Volume 36, Number 3, August 2004.

Mandala, Rila, Tokunaga Takenobu and Tanaka Hozumi. ``The use of WordNet in information retrieval.'' In: Proceedings of the COLING/ACL Workshop on Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems, Montreal, 1998.
Keywords: information retrieval

Mangeot-Lerebours, Mathieu and Gilles Sérasset and Frederic Andres ``Frameworks, Implementation and Open Problems for the Collaborative Building of a Multilingual Lexical Database'' In: Proceedings of the Coling 2002 Workshop ''SemaNet'02: Building and Using Semantic Networks'', Taipei, August 2002. http://www.cs.ust.hk/~hltc/semanet02/pdf/mangeot-lerebours.pdf
Keywords: Multilingual Ontology Construction

Mann, Gideon ``Building proper noun ontologies for question answering'' In: Proceedings of the Coling 2002 Workshop ''SemaNet'02: Building and Using Semantic Networks'', Taipei, August 2002. http://www.cs.ust.hk/~hltc/semanet02/pdf/mann.pdf
Keywords: Automatic Ontology Construction

Mariano, Sigman and Guillermo, Cecchi ``Global organization of the Wordnet Lexicon'' In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(3), pp.1742-1747. http://asterion.rockefeller.edu/guille/Papers/lexicon.pdf

Martin, Philippe ``Using the WordNet Concept Catalog and a Relation Hierarchy for Knowledge Acquisition'' In: Proceedings of Peirce'95, 4th International Workshop on Peirce, University of California, Santa Cruz, August 1995. http://www.inria.fr/acacia/Publications/1995/iccs95phm.ps.Z Keywords:

Mason, Zachary ``A corpus-based computational model of conventional metaphor detection and analysis'' PhD Thesis. Brandeis University. http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~zmason/

Mavroeidis, Dimitrios, George Tsatsaronis, Michalis Vazirgiannis, Martin Theobald, Gerhard Weikum ``Word Sense Disambiguation for Exploiting Hierarchical Thesauri in Text Classification" In: 9th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases , pp. 181-192, PKDD 2005, Porto, Portugal. http://www.db-net.aueb.gr/gbt/publications.htm
Keywords: Word Sense Disambiguation, Text Classification, GVSM Kernels, WordNet

McHale, Michael. ``A comparison of WordNet and Roget's taxonomy for measuring semantic similarity.'' In: Proceedings of the COLING/ACL Workshop on Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems, Montreal, 1998. http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cmp-lg/9809003

McTavish, D. G., Ken C. Litkowski and S. Schrader. ``A computer content analysis approach to measuring social distance in residential organizations for older people.'' In: Social Science Computer Review 15 (2), 1997, pp. 170 - 180. http://www.clres.com/online-papers/zuma.ps

Mendes, Sara and Rui Pedro Chaves. ``Enriching WordNet with qualia information.'' In: Proceedings of the NAACL 2001 Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources, Pittsburgh, June 2001. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/mwnw/papers/WNW-NAACL-212.pdf.gz Keywords:

Meyer, Josef and Robert Dale ``Using the Wordnet Hierarchy for Associative Anaphora Resolution'' In: Proceedings of the Coling 2002 Workshop ''SemaNet'02: Building and Using Semantic Networks'', Taipei, August 2002. http://www.cs.ust.hk/~hltc/semanet02/pdf/meyer.pdf

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``eXtended WordNet: progress report.'' In: Proceedings of the NAACL 2001 Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources, Pittsburgh, June 2001. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/mwnw/papers/WNW-NAACL-116.pdf.gz Keywords:

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``Automatic generation of a coarse grained WordNet.'' In: Proceedings of the NAACL 2001 Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources, Pittsburgh, June 2001. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/mwnw/papers/WNW-NAACL-109.pdf.gz Keywords:

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``Highly Accurate Bootstrapping Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation'' In: International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, vol.10, no.1-2, [pg.5-21], 2001. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/papers/ijait01.ps.gz
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``Word Semantics for Information Retrieval: moving one step closer to the Semantic Web'' In: International Conference on Tools in Artificial Intelligence, November, 2001.
Keywords: information retrieval

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``AutoASC - A System for Automatic Acquisition of Sense tagged Corpora '' In: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, [pg.3-17], vol.14, no.1, 2000.
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``Semantic Indexing using WordNet Senses'' In: Proceedings of ACL Workshop on IR & NLP, Hong Kong, October, 2000. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/papers/acl00.nlp_ir.ps.gz
Keywords: information retrieval

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``A Semi-Complete Disambiguation Algorithm for Open Text'' In: Proceedings of AAAI 2000, [pg.1085], Austin, TX, July 2000.
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``An Iterative Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation'' In: Proceedings of Flairs 2000, [pg.219-223] Orlando, FL, May 2000. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/papers/flairs00.ps.gz
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``An Automatic Method for Generating Sense Tagged Corpora'' In: Proceedings of AAAI '99, [pg.461-466], Orlando, FL, July 1999. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/papers/aaai99.ps.gz
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``Word Sense Disambiguation and its Application to Internet Search'' Masters Thesis defense, April 13, 1999. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/papers/msthesis.ps.gz
Keywords: sense disambiguation, information retrieval

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``A WordNet-Based Interface to Internet Search Engines'' In: Proceedings of FLAIRS-98, May 1998, Sanibel Island, FL. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/papers/flairs98.ps.gz
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Mihalcea, Rada and Dan I. Moldovan. ``Word sense disambiguation based on semantic density.'' In: Proceedings of the COLING/ACL Workshop on Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems, Montreal, 1998. http://www.ai.sri.com/~harabagi/coling-acl98/acl_work/moldovan.ps.gz
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Mihalcea, Rada `` Turning WordNet into an Information Retrieval Resource" In: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence IJPRAI , 2003. .

Mihaltz, Marton and Gabor Proszeky. ``Results and Evaluation of Hungarian Nominal WordNet v1.0" In: Proceedings of the Second Global WordNet Conference , pp. 175-180, Brno, Czech Republic, January 20-23, 2004. http://www.fi.muni.cz/gwc2004/proc/116.pdf

Miller, George A. ``WordNet: a dictionary browser.'' In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information in Data, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, 1985.

Miller, George A. ``Nouns in WordNet: a lexical inheritance system.'' In: International Journal of Lexicography 3 (4), 1990, pp. 245 - 264. ftp://ftp.cogsci.princeton.edu/pub/wordnet/5papers.ps

Miller, George A. ``WordNet: a lexical database for English.'' In: Communications of the ACM 38 (11), November 1995, pp. 39 - 41. http://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/journals/cacm/1995-38-11/p39-miller/p39-miller.pdf

Miller, George A. ``Virtual meaning.'' In: Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 75, 1995, pp. 3 - 61.

Miller, George A. and Christiane Fellbaum. ``Semantic networks of English.'' In: Cognition 41, December 1991, pp. 197 - 229.

Miller, George A., Martin Chodorow, Shari Landes, Claudia Leacock and R. G. Thomas. ``Using a semantic concordance for sense identification.'' In: Proceedings of the ARPA Human Language Technology Workshop, San Francisco, Morgan Kaufman, 1994.
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Miller, George A., Richard Beckwith, Christiane Fellbaum, Derek Gross and Katherine J. Miller. ``Introduction to WordNet: an on-line lexical database.'' In: International Journal of Lexicography 3 (4), 1990, pp. 235 - 244. ftp://ftp.cogsci.princeton.edu/pub/wordnet/5papers.ps

Miller, George A., Christiane Fellbaum, Judy Kegl and Katherine J. Miller. ``WordNet: an electronic lexical reference system based on theories of lexical memory.'' In: Revue quebecoise de linguistique 17 (2), 1988, pp. 181 - 213.

Miller, George A., Christiane Fellbaum, Katherine J. Miller. ``Five papers on WordNet.'' ftp://ftp.cogsci.princeton.edu/pub/wordnet/5papers.ps

Milliner, S., M. Papazoglou and H. Weigand. ``Linguistic tool based information elicitation in large heterogeneous database networks.'' In: van de Riet, R. P., J. F. M. Burg and A. J. van der Vos, eds., Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1996,

Mock, K.J. and V. Rao Vemuri. ``Information filtering via hill climbing, WordNet, and index patterns.'' In: Information Processing and Management 33 (5), 1997, pp. 633 - 644.

Moldovan, Dan I. and Rada Mihalcea. ``Using WordNet and Lexical Operators to improve Internet Searches'' In: IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 4 no. 1, [pg.34-43], 2000. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/papers/int-comp.99.ps.gz
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Montemagni, Simonetta and Vitto Pirelli. ``Augmenting WordNet-like lexical resources with distributional evidence. An application-oriented perspective.'' In: Proceedings of the COLING/ACL Workshop on Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems, Montreal, 1998. http://www.ai.sri.com/~harabagi/coling-acl98/acl_work/simonetta.ps.gz

Montoyo, Andrés, Manuel Palomar and German Rigau. ``WordNet enrichment with classification systems.'' In: Proceedings of the NAACL 2001 Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources, Pittsburgh, June 2001. http://www.seas.smu.edu/~rada/mwnw/papers/WNW-NAACL-202.pdf.gz

Montoyo, Andrés and Manuel Palomar and German Rigau. `` Method and Interface for WordNet Enrichment with Classification Systems.'' In: Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA-2001, Munich, Germany, 2001. http://www.lsi.upc.es/~nlp/papers/dexa01-mpr.ps.gz

Montoyo, Andrés and Manuel Palomar and German Rigau. ``Method for WordNet Enrichment Using WSD.'' In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Text Speech and Dialogue TSD'2001.Selezná Ruda - Spièák, Czech Republic, 2001. http://www.lsi.upc.es/~nlp/papers/tsd01-mpr.ps.gz

Moon, Yoo-Jin. ``Design and implementation of WordNet for Korean nouns.'' In: Journal of the Korea Information Science Society (Computing Practices) 2 (4), 1996, pp. 437 - 445.
Keywords: machine translation

Moon, Yoo-Jin and Yung-Taek Kim. ``Concept-based verb translation in the Korean-English machine translation system.'' In: Journal of the Korea Information Science Society 22 (8), 1995, pp. 1166 - 1173.
Keywords: machine translation, sense disambiguation, semantic similarity

Morato, Jorge and Miguel Angel Marzal and Juan Llorens and Jose Moreiro. ``WordNet Applications" In: Proceedings of the Second Global WordNet Conference , pp. 270-278, Brno, Czech Republic, January 20-23, 2004. http://www.fi.muni.cz/gwc2004/proc/105.pdf

Murphy, G. and J. Andrew. ``The conceptual basis of antonymy and synonyms in adjectives.'' In: Journal of Memory and Language 32, 1993, pp. 301 - 319.

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